FWP Calls For Bat Videos For Contest
Fish, Wildlife and Parks invites Montana students ages 14 to 18 to create a video highlighting bats and their importance to Montana’s ecosystems and industries. Videos should include research that helps people understand “why bats matter.”
The deadline for video submissions is Friday, Oct. 16, at 5 p.m., just in time for national Bat Week.
Videos can be formatted as a news report, a documentary or simply presenting facts in a visually appealing way. A panel of judges will select the top three videos based on quality and content. Those videos will then be featured on FWP’s Facebook page. One winning video will receive a $500 prize donated by Montana’s Outdoor Legacy Foundation.
If you are interested in submitting a video, email Corie Rice at corie.rice@mt.gov for details and rules. Put “Why Bats Matter” in the subject line.