Senior News
I’d like to invite members of the community to participate on the council of the Area 1 Agency on Aging (AAA) based in Glendive, MT. Roosevelt County’s Council on Aging is part of this AAA group. I am listing the function of the council and the guidelines of the representatives below. If you fit within the guidelines, and are interested in being on the council, please contact me, Julie Bach, at 406-653-6221, jbach@rooseveltcounty. org, or stop in at the office at 124 Custer St, Wolf Point MT 59201 (Wolf Point Senior Center) Our office is open Monday-Friday (with the exception of legal holidays) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
§ 1321.57 Area agency advisory council.
(a) Functions of council. The area agency shall establish an advisory council. The council shall carry out advisory functions which further the area agency’s mission of developing and coordinating community-based systems of services for all older persons in the planning and service area. The council shall advise the agency relative to: (1) Developing and administering the area plan; (2) Conducting public hearings; (3) Representing the interest of older persons; and (4) Reviewing and commenting on all community policies, programs and actions which affect older persons with the intent of assuring maximum coordination and responsiveness to older persons.
(b) Composition of council. The council shall include individuals and representatives of community organizations who will help to enhance the leadership role of the area agency in developing community- based systems of services. The advisory council shall be made up of: (1) More than 50 percent older persons, including minority individuals who are participants or who are eligible to participate in programs under this part; (2) Representatives of older persons; (3) Representatives of health care provider organizations, including providers of veterans’ health care (if appropriate); (4) Representatives of supportive services providers organizations; (5) Persons with leadership experience in the private and voluntary sectors; (6) Local elected officials; and (7) The general public.