Tobacco Prevention Notes
For years, the tobacco industry marketed smoking, along with all other forms of tobacco use, as a stress reliever. Now, the vaping industry markets its products as stress relief. Make no mistake: the tobacco and vaping industry are the same.
Nicotine is the highly addictive chemical used in all tobacco and vaping products. Vaping nicotine makes one feel good by stimulating dopamine in the brain, creating a feeling of relaxation and pleasure in the short term. Due to the way nicotine affects a person’s body, dopamine’s effect doesn’t last long, usually losing its effect within a couple of hours and, in turn, leads to a desire to vape again. Thus, the cycle repeats itself, causing nicotine withdrawal.
Nicotine withdrawal includes cravings or urges to continue vaping, feelings of irritability or being upset, restlessness, anxiousness, and depression, and often causes difficulty with concentration. With this cycle of withdrawal, the tobacco and vaping industry has created the illusion that the use of their products can help relieve stress and make people feel better.
While traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products limit the amount of nicotine in each product, vaping products do not have the same restrictions. In fact, what started as vaping devices having the same amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes has progressed to the more recent devices having nicotine amounts equal to several packs of cigarettes. The high levels of nicotine in the more recent vaping products make nicotine withdrawal much worse than ever experienced by someone who used traditional tobacco products.
The good news is it is possible to quit using all forms of tobacco use, including vaping products. The Montana Tobacco Use Quit Line offers individualized programs for teens ages 12-18 who want to quit any form of tobacco use, pregnant women who want to quit for their health and the health of their baby, an American Indian program that connects callers with American Indian coaches, and a program specifically designed to support those with behavioral health conditions.
For more information about the following resources, call or visit:
• Montana Tobacco Quit Line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW or
• My Life, My Quit (Under 18): 1-855-891-9989 or
• American Indian Commercial Tobacco Quit Line: 1-855-5AI-QUIT or MTAmercianIndianQuitLine. com. For questions, call tobacco education specialist A.J. Allen at 406-653-6212.