Scouts Continue To Grow, Seek Community Volunteers
According to organizer Joe Herzog, 22 youth attended a Jan. 6 cub scouts meeting at First Lutheran Church in Wolf Point. He said the group is still in need of volunteers to fill the ranks of den leaders.
“We are primarily looking for assistant den leaders or really anyone who wants to volunteer,” said Herzog. He said organizers are looking to start a scout troop (grades 6-12) and are in need of a female troop leader.
Herzog said the youngest scouts worked on learning first aid at the meeting.
Wolves (second grade) worked on preparing and provisioning for hikes.
“They also learned the outdoor code,” said Herzog, “and the leaveno- trace-behind principal.” He said they also stressed using the buddy system.
Bears (grade three) worked on pocket knife safety and practical usage.
Webelos (grades 4-5) worked on their “Bigger, Faster, Stronger” adventure, which entailed learning about physical fitness, nutrition and positive habits.
Said Herzog, “We have a lot of fun things coming in the next few months. A church lock-in (camp-in), the pinewood derby and our Blue and Gold banquet. It’s going to be a busy few months, but the kids are going to have a blast.”
Call Herzog at 406-974-3990 for more information. The next cub scouts meeting is set for Jan. 20 at First Lutheran Church. It starts at 6 p.m.