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CHS Seniors Honored With Banners On Broadway

CHS Seniors Honored  With Banners On Broadway CHS Seniors Honored  With Banners On Broadway

Valli Hauge told the Community News that Bridgett Featherston came across the idea for hanging signs along Broadway Avenue to recognize area senior class members from Culbertson High School.

“Bridgett Featherston had found a school online that was hanging signs,” said Hauge. “I got tagged in the post as a senior parent and thought it would be a great way to recognize our seniors.”

With the help of senior class advisor Janelle Ator, Hauge then gathered up senior pictures from students who wanted to participate. Of the 18 seniors at the school, 15 were willing to play along. According to Hauge, Kayla Barnett could not be contacted and Julianna Granbois decided not to participate.

Culbertson public works director Bob Jasper, mayor/school superintendent Larry Crowder and D Jay Hauge helped put the first round of signs up on streetlights along Broadway. The rest of the participating seniors will see their pictures go up over the next week.

“We have a few signs to hang,” said Hauge. “New poles have been ordered and the remaining signs should be going up on Friday if everything shows up in the mail.”

According to Hauge, Hi Line Service and Hydraulics, Abe and Tessa Rumsey, Justin and Krista Lucas, Dave and Tara Nickoloff, Lisa Sun Rhodes, Nick and Cassie Williams, Bridget Featherston and Wes and Cheryl Kirkaldie all donated funds to the project.

Participating seniors include: Ashlin Kirn, Ashtyn Ator, Clayton Marchwick, Dakota Smith, Eli Williams, Fallon Sun Rhodes, Gabe Granada, Jacob Crowder, Jerek Summers, Kelsie Williams, Mariah Cathey, Payton Hauge, Rachael Gilbert, Rylie Northington, Tyler Willbanks and Victoria Barnhart.

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