Council Approves Permit For Fish Pond
The Culbertson Town Council held its regular meeting Monday, May 11. The full council was in attendance. The meeting was held with chairs spaced for social distancing. Jeremy Fadness with WWC Engineering was present via phone.
The council reviewed a request for proposals from WWC Engineering and Interstate Engineering for a new capital improvement plan and growth policy. Following the review, the council approved WWC to continue contracting with the town. Jordan Mayer was present at the meeting representing Interstate Engineering.
The Culbertson senior class put forward a special event application for graduation plans including a social distance reception line for graduation. Students will stand along a designated route through town so attendees can drive past in their respective vehicles. Graduation is set for May 16.
Clerk/treasurer Tiffani Jasper told the council that an advertisement had been placed in the Community News soliciting public comment on a floodplain permit for the fish pond project. None was received. The council approved the permit.
Sketch/site plans for a home relocation project were approved per request from Gordon and Nick Oelkers. The home was moved to 412 First Avenue East from another lot within city limits.
A resolution was passed requesting distribution of Bridge & Road Safety Accountability program funds for 2020-2021.
Resolution 484 was passed, amending the 2019-2020 budget to include donated funds for various projects.
The following staff were hired for the Culbertson swimming pool: Tiffany Nielson (manager), Aaliyah Moon (assistant manager), Fallon Sun Rhodes, Anissa Bengochea, Brooklynn Lambert, Clayton Marchwick, Cody Larsen, Kayli Olson, Kenadee Kempton, Kylie Portra, McKinsey Justice, McKenna Hague and Tige Purvis.
The council discussed post-COVID-19 operations for the pool. It was decided to hire staff on a provisional basis, with hours to be assigned as needed. An opening date for the pool will be discussed at the June 8 regular meeting.
Rick Knick provided an update from the airport board. A resolution was passed to approve a general maintenance expenditure request for CARES Act funds in the amount of approximately $20,000.
The council accepted the resignation of library employee Rosemary French.
A request was accepted from the USDA to place insect traps in Bruegger Park as part of a study.
Funds were approved for carpet cleaning at the library. The cleaning will cost the town approximately $200.
The treasurer’s report, general journal vouchers, payroll journal vouchers, utility billing vouchers and April bills were approved.