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Chickens, Bees Highlight Froid Council Meeting

Chickens and bees were the topics of the most commented items during the Froid Town Council meeting held Monday, May 11.

The council discussed changing an ordinance that doesn't permit livestock in town after resident Joey Martensen purchased chickens without realizing that the ordinance prohibits raising chickens in town limits.

“I really don't care to have animals in town,” one resident at the meeting said. “I believe they belong in the country. I don't want to deal with the smell.”

Another resident at the meeting added the town already has enough problems with loose dogs and cats.

Martensen said, “It seems like most people are concerned about the smell of chickens. I don't think it will be a problem.” He feels dogs create more odor problems than chickens.

Froid Mayor Sheri Crain said she was told by former town leaders that one of the reason for the ordinance was to keep predators away. She said Culbertson, Scobey, Sidney and Terry have similar rules.

Most of the council members agreed to not change the policy.

“I think the biggest issue is attracting predators,” Crain said.

She suggested that Martensen have other residents sign a petition if he still wants to change the ordinance.

Some residents are concerned that Martensen has bee boxes.

“There's no ordinance against it, but I guess we thought common sense will be involved,” Crain said.

A couple of residents brought up that they are afraid for the safety of school children because of the bees.

Martensen encouraged town leaders to Google bee boxes in city limits. “It's not just me,” he said.

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