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Tobacco Prevention N

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line will see some additions beginning in July.

The first addition to the quit line is that, for the first time ever, it will allow for texting or chatting for individuals under 24 years of age. This program addition will be called Quit Your Way. With the high prevalence of texting in today’s society, this program will help reach those individuals that prefer the texting or chatting over having a phone conversation.

Similar to this program addition, there will also be the Young Adult Program. It is also geared towards individuals between the ages of 19-24.

This program will likely have its own numeric code for call in. During the initial call or text, the participant will be able to choose how to continue contact with the quit line going forward. Again, phone, text or chat will be available.

The reason that these new additions to the quit line are specifically targeting those less than 24 years of age is because they are pilot programs and the state would like to see how they are received before including additional participants.

The final addition to the Montana Tobacco Quit Line is with the Quit Now Pregnancy Program. This program has been offering cash incentives for completing coaching calls and will continue to do so. The good news is that those cash incentives will be increasing. Starting July 1, pregnant women that call in will be able to receive $20 for each completed coaching call during pregnancy up to five calls and another $30 for each completed coaching call postpartum up to four calls. Completing these coaching calls could result in a $220 reward. Hopefully, this will help women that are trying to quit smoking or vaping while pregnant to do so.

Further information can be obtained by calling me at 653-6212 or the Roosevelt County Health Department at 653-6223.

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