Vendors Sought For Sunrise Festival
Vendors are still being accepted for the 30th annual Sunrise Festival of the Arts in Sidney on Saturday, July 11. Presenting sponsor is Dasinger Oil Properties.
The Sunrise Festival of the Arts is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July 11. The event connects local and regional artists, craftspeople and authors with shoppers and enthusiasts.
The Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Sunrise Festival Committee works tirelessly to plan and execute a full day of shopping, demonstrations, live entertainment, youth activities and food options. There are also sidewalk sales planned for that day in downtown Sidney.
Purchase a Sunrise Festival button and redeem discounts offered by local merchants and enter to win prizes, including the annual grand prize: a piece of art from the featured artist of the year Fink Furniture.
To register to be a vendor, go to: https://secure2. c h a m b e r m a s te r. com / eventregistration/register/ 17229? layout= Backoff ice& authToken=B4Id-MeLs5xwpqOyV2EffZx-J9TFD5d0UJM4pfXb-JySsGDPKvb%2F4LL- hA%3D%3D#/.