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journalism and her bachelor’s degree ….

journalism and her bachelor’s degree in political science from California State University Long Beach and her master’s degree in business and marketing from California Coast University in Anaheim, Calif.

“Jaimee is a jewel at RMC who works hard and is very dedicated to making sure the facility receives grants and hosts successful fundraisers to continue to enhance the facility,” said Jeff Haus, maintenance supervisor.

Prior to working in healthcare, Green worked for NBC News as an anchor and director and in print journalism at several newspapers as a reporter and editor.

“I never imagined working in the healthcare industry, but the skill set required for what I do now is very similar to many of the skills required for journalism. This work is much more rewarding because it carries with it the possibility of enhancing healthcare for the people in my community,” she said. “Writing a news story isn’t as gratifying as writing a grant that can provide the funding necessary to bring an entirely new service to our area and our patients. That is what inspires me to come to work each, and every day,” she said.

Together with her husband of 18 years, Troy, she has three boys: Travis, 17; Trevor, 14; and Harrison, 11.

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