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Culbertson School Board Discusses Fall Back-To-School Plans At Meeting

Culbertson School Board Discusses  Fall Back-To-School Plans At Meeting Culbertson School Board Discusses  Fall Back-To-School Plans At Meeting

Community News Staff Culbertson’s school officials have announced their plans to move forward with instruction to take place in the school building again this fall.

“Our goal is to make it as normal as we can,” board chair Paul Finnicum said during the board meeting on Tuesday, July 21. “We’re looking to move forward. Hopefully, everybody is confident.”

The school district’s health and safety plan regarding how to deal with the Coronavirus spread is posted on the school’s website. The public is urged to make comments to express their feelings.

“The intent of this plan is to start school, the first day, basically as normal as we can,” Finnicum said.

The first day of school is scheduled for Aug. 19. The plan doesn’t require masks, but students and staff can wear the face coverings.

“We’re confident in the plan from the standpoint where we don’t have an active case in our community and county,” Finnicum said.

Culbertson superintendent of schools Larry Crowder noted that most elementary grade levels have fewer than 20 students. The fourth grade is already split into two classes. The seventh grade is a larger class and will be divided into two classrooms.

Crowder said Culbertson already uses staggered lunch periods. Seats will be marked where students are allowed to sit. There will be no salad bar permitted. School officials will observe how hallway traffic takes place, and some changes might be needed to the current format.

Finnicum stressed that parents need to take a leadership role as far as not letting their children attend school if they feel ill.

According to Montana High School Association regulations, students must attend classes at the school in order to be eligible for extra- curricular activities. Finnicum said parents probably will be allowed to transport their children to and from activities if that makes them feel more comfortable.

Other parts of the health and safety plan includes: consideration of staggering the arrival and unloading of buses; implementation of strategies to keep students from congregating at school entrances before and after school; cleaning facilities daily in accordance with CDC guidelines; reducing the number of students and staff touching door surfaces; seating in classrooms will be done to maximize social distancing; lunchroom will utilize all available tables to maximize social distancing; and schedules will be made for regular handwashing and sanitizing.

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