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Summer Baseball Season Successful Despite Challenges

Despite the rare challenges that 2020 created, northeastern Montana baseball enthusiasts saw their dream of having a high school aged baseball team in their area occur this summer.

Although the American Legion didn't sponsor baseball because of Coronavirus concerns this summer, a season for these young players still took place. The season was capped by the district tournament being held in Billings last weekend.

The Post 49 Bulls were certainly a remarkable group of athletes. Instead of representing just one community, these players represented pretty much all of northeastern Montana. The athletes came from the towns of Froid, Medicine Lake, Culbertson, Bainville, Sidney and Scobey. They didn't let school rivalries or different backgrounds get in their way, instead they focused on their simple goal of playing the great American past-time.

During a time where some youngsters in some parts of our nation wouldn't even cross a city street to play a game, members of the Bulls should be commended for traveling decent distances just in order to practice. That dedication might make northeastern Montana youngsters different than many others. That commitment is certainly admirable and what makes our area special.

Coaches Josh Johnson and Scott Crain should be commended for molding these players into a fine baseball squad. Parents should be thanked for their contributions of time, money and spirit to make this dream possible.

In their first year, it was a great achievement for the Bulls to win one game at the district tournament and playing a very close contest in the next round. Here's to many more years of the Bulls competing on the baseball diamond in Froid. Everybody wins when summers feature great baseball.

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