2020 Livestock Showmanship and Judging
2020 Livestock Showmanship and judging took place Thursday afternoon and Friday morning at the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds. Thursday afternoon starting at 4:30 was Goat Showmanship and Goat Market judging immediately followed by Sheep Showmanship and Sheep Market judging.
Friday morning starting at 8:30 was Swine Showmanship and Swine market judging immediately followed by Beef Showmanship and Beef Market judging.
These are the results: Goat Showmanship Beg: Grand Champion - Kalia Featherston; Reserve Champion β Payton Labatte; Goat Showmanship Jr.: Grand Champion β Kaden Featherston; Reserve Champion β Tally Berwick; Market Goat: Grand Champion β Tenley Berwick; Reserve Champion β Kaden Featherston; Dairy Goat Breeding (Doe and Kids): Grand Champion β Tenley Berwick; Reserve Champion β Tally Berwick; Meat Goat Breeding (Doe Under 1 year): Grand Champion β Kaden Featherston; Reserve Champion β Kalia Featherston; Sheep Showmanship Beg: Grand Champion β Siena Martinez; Reserve Champion β Payton Labatte; Sheep Showmanship Jr.: Grand Champion β Tally Berwick; Reserve Champion β Kaden Featherston; Sheep Showmanship Sr.: Grand Champion β Tiara Whitmus; Reserve Champion β Gianna Boyd; Market Lamb: Grand Champion β Tally Berwick; Reserve Champion β Kaden Featherston; Sheep Breeding (Ewe 2 years and Over): Grand Champion β Payton Labatte; Sheep Breeding (Ewe Lamb): Grand Champion β Kalia Featherston; Reserve Champion β Kaden Featherston; Swine Showmanship Beg.: Grand Champion β Holden Salivar; Reserve Champion β Siena Martinez; Swine Showmanship Jr.: Grand Champion β Clayton VanGorder; Reserve Champion β Kaylee Olson; Swine Showmanship Sr.: Grand Champion β Britten Van-Gorder; Reserve Champion β Tiara Whitmus; Market Swine: G r a n d Champion β Holden Salivar; Reserve Champion β Cody Olson; Feeder Pigs: Grand Champion β Clayton Van-Gorder; Reserve Champion β Jodi Albus; Swine Breeding (Gilt 4 months to 1 yr): Grand Champion β Holden Salivar; Reserve Champion β Donna Butikofer; Swine Breeding (Pen of 3): Grand Champion β Holden Salivar; Reserve Champion β Lila Butikofer; Beef Showmanship Jr.: Grand Champion β Cody Olson; Reserve Champion β Kaylee Olson; Beef Showmanship Sr.: Grand Champion β Tiara Whitmus; Reserve Champion β Britten VanGorder; Market Beef: Grand Champion β Gianna Boyd; Reserve Champion β Britten VanGorder; Beef Breeding (Female over 1 year under 2, bred): Grand Champion β Kaylee Olson; Round Robin Showmanship Sr.: Grand Champion β Tiara Whitmus; Reserve Champion β Britten VanGorder.