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Kids’ Farmers Market Planned

Kids’ Farmers Market Planned Kids’ Farmers Market Planned

Wild West Diner owner Shelley Baldwin told the Community News that daughter Ashlee Anderson came up with the idea for a kids’ farmers market when she realized how many maple sticks they sold at a recent Saturday morning garage sale.

“I guess people want something sweet on Saturday mornings,” said Anderson.

Anderson said local moms basically took the idea from there, following a post on social media soliciting interested parents. The diner, located at 20 Sixth Street East in Culbertson, will play host to area kids selling locally sourced, farm fresh eggs, produce, maple sticks, pies and other baked goods, as well as jams, jellies and cold brew coffee.

Kids from Culbertson, Bainville, Brockton and Froid will be participating. On Monday, Aug. 17, Anderson said 15 youth had signed up to sell goods. Vendors will be opening up at 8:30 a.m.

Mary Machart will have rock painting station set up. All are welcome to attend.

There is no fee for joining in at the market. Vendors are asked to preregister by calling the diner at 787-5374 and talking to Anderson. You can also find her on Facebook and message her there.

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