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Census Clock Starts Final Countdown

Less Than 30 Days Remain To Respond

With less than 30 days left to count residents in the 2020 Census, the Montana Department of Commerce and State Complete Count Committee are urging every Montanan who has not yet responded to the Census to do so before Sept. 30.

“So much is at stake for Montana over the final 30 days of the 2020 Census count,” said Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney, who is the chairman of the Montana Complete Count Committee. “The Census is critical for determining our state’s fair share of federal funding for things like health care, education and infrastructure, and for our prospects at regaining a second congressional seat. It’s time we count, Montana!”

To date, 58.2 percent of Montana households have self-responded to the Census, compared to the national average of 64.9 percent, putting Montana among the bottom of states in self-responding to the Census.

While the federal government is tasked with counting all households every 10 years, the state supports the effort to educate and promote the importance of the Census.

During the final 30 days of the count, Montanans in low-response count, Montanans in low-response areas will see billboards, social media reminders, television, radio and newspaper ads to encourage self-responding to the once-in-a-decade count. Additionally, in partnership with the Montana Department of Commerce, the Montana Nonprofit Association, Western Native Voice and Forward Montana Foundation are reaching out directly to households in those hard-to-count areas of the state.

The Census count is used to determine the amount of federal funding distributed to the state — overall, more than $2 billion from more than 300 federal programs is allocated back to Montana based on Census information. Census data is also used to shape local voting and school districts and will determine whether Montana will regain a second seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Montanans who have not yet responded to the 2020 Census should do so now by going to MY2020CENSUS.GOV, by calling 844-330-2020, or by mailing in their Census form if they received one in the mail.

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