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Bainville Town Council Discusses Timeline For Nuisance Contacts

The Bainville Town Council held a special meeting Monday, Oct. 19. Remote participation was made possible via GoToMeeting and conference call. Mayor Dennis Portra and councilmen Chuck Hyatt, Ron Butikofer and Travis Wills were in attendance with town clerk/treasurer Nikki Rogers. Attorney Greg Hennessy participated via phone.

Following roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance, the agenda was approved. No public comment was offered.

The meeting was called to discuss a timeline for future assessment and enforcement of town nuisance ordinances. The council reviewed Chapter 7.06 regarding nuisances, as well as definitions for shielding and removal of junk vehicles generally.

The council discussed possible cleanup costs for lots that are out of compliance, including complications arising from instances when cleanup costs exceed the value of the property.

The budget for cleaning up lots was discussed, as were ideas for assessing costs associated with cleanup efforts to taxpayers who are deemed to be out of compliance. Area residents were reminded that compliance issues are the responsibility of property owners, not renters or lease holders.

A tentative timeline for dealing with nuisances was established for the spring beginning in March. A town working day was scheduled for April 24 so the councilmembers can tour greater Bainville to create a master list of properties deemed out of compliance. The list will be discussed at the May meeting. June 1 was set as the beginning of the enforcement phase.

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