Wolf Point Police And Fire B
lotter ( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Nov. 2-8. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.) Citations were issued to:
November 4
Sixteen-year-old male, 100 block of Front Street, disorderly conduct, minor in possession, curfew violation, youth in need of supervision, tribal court.
Tyrell Eder, 18, male, 100 block of East Blaine Street, aggravated disorderly conduct, tribal court November 5
Veronica Lambert, 53, female, 300 block of Second Avenue South, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, tribal court.
David Menz Sr., 52, male, Town Pump, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
Adam The Boy Sr., 39, male, Town Pump, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
November 6
Lucas Fourstar, 22, male, 500 block of Benton Street, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
November 7
Fourteen-year-old male, 300 block of Helena Street, warrant, tribal court.
November 8
Anthony Friskey, 21, male, Second Avenue North and Indian Street, criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, hindering law enforcement, resisting arrest and protection of government officials and law enforcement, tribal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned 911 call, two; accident/hit and run, one; alarm/school, two; animal, two; assault, three; assault w/weapon, one; assistance required/ funeral, one; assistance required/ public, four; attempted burglary/business, one; burglary/residential/forcible, two; criminal mischief, one; disorderly conduct/vagrant, two; disturbance/arguments, three; disturbance, one; disturbance/ panhandling, one; disturbance/remove unwanted person, four; disturbance/ vehicle, one; domestic abuse, one; domestic/family disturbance, three; drugs/possess/ use, one; driving under the influence/alcohol, one; fire/ vehicle, one; loitering/panhandling, three; medical assistance, eight; patrol/city limits, four; stolen vehicle, two; suicide ideation/adult male, one; suicide ideation/ juvenile male, one; suspicious activity, one; suspicious circumstances, one; suspicious person, two; suspicious vehicle, two; theft, four; traffic crime/careless driving, one; traffic crime/reckless driver, four; traffic incident, five; traffic roads/parking, one; traffic roads/traffic control, one; trespassing, two; unsecured premises/citizen reported, one; unsecured premises/law enforcement reported, three; vandalism, one; warrants/ tribal, one; weapon offense, one; welfare check, five; total, 94.
Fire Blotter Nov. 4: A tractor fire was reported 14 miles north on Highway 13 at 10:36 a.m. One Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department truck responded. The fire rekindled at 1:01 p.m. and one truck responded.
Nov. 6: The WPVFD responded to a call for mutual aid on BIA Route 5 south of Tule Creek for a structure fire at 1:53 a.m. Two trucks and command responded.
Nov. 7: A possible gas leak was reported on the 200 block of Ninth Avenue North at 3:33 p.m. One truck and command responded.
Nov. 8: WPVFD responded to Poplar for a structure fire on the 300 block of C Street West at 4:37 a.m. One truck responded.