Knudsen Optimistic About New Office

Roosevelt County native Austin Knudsen is excited for the opportunity of being the next Montana Attorney General, and he feels some changes in the office will benefit the entire state.
One move will be the addition of a solicitor general’s office. The attorney will represent Montana’s interests and be the top appellate advocate on behalf of the state. Montana hasn’t had the position in about three or four years.
Knudsen, who was elected to the position in November, noted the attorney will work in federal cases either just representing Montana or joining on a case with other states. Knudsen feels such cases might be vital with a Democrat likely in the White House.
“I think we could see a lot of things that might not be good for the state of Montana,” Knudsen said, while mentioning executive orders. “I want to make sure that we’re ready for that.”
As the Montana Attorney General, he feels decreasing drug usage especially meth must be one of the primary goals.
“That was my biggest campaign issue, everybody has been touched by it,” Knudsen said. “Everybody knows somebody or has a family connection to the meth problem. It’s all classes and all income levels.”
Knudsen, who had a private practice for 13 years, said he didn’t realize the high level of meth use until he become the Roosevelt County Attorney.
“This was going on all around me, and I didn’t know it,” Knudsen said. “It’s scary.”
He noted that drug use isn’t a victim- less crime and pointed to the shortage of foster parents in Montana because of the large amount of children needing a safe home.
“What you have are parents who would rather do drugs than raise their kids,” Knudsen said. “There are victims. It’s the kids.”
To fight the drug battle, he feels that funding should go from the state level to the counties where commissioners and sheriffs can decide to put the money for additional law enforcement or drug dogs or more deputy attorneys.
“The growth in Helena hasn’t helped anything,” Knudsen said. “The money needs to be spent at local levels.”
The former state legislator from Culbertson added, “The problem we have in eastern Montana is we don’t always get the resources that other areas do.”
The Republican says he will be a “budget hawk” in the office. “I think it will be a tight fiscal year. I think we will need to do more with less.”
He looks forward to serving on the State Land Board with the governor, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction and state auditor. Each of the officials is a Republican. The board oversees the state’s trust lands that funds K-12 education.
With his experience with land use and oil/gas issues as an attorney, Knudsen should have a strong impact on the board.
“It’s stuff in my wheelhouse,” Knudsen said. “I’m excited to be a real asset for the land board.”
He thanks Roosevelt County residents for supporting him throughout the years.
“This is home. I grew up here,” Knudsen said. “I’ve really enjoyed my time as county attorney. It was a great learning experience.”
He will take office on Jan. 4. People can email him with concerns or comments at austin@austin4montana. com until his official Montana Attorney General’s office email is set up.