Sheridan Electric Co-op Crews Working In Segregated Groups

As we all navigate these different times, all people within the region have been affected including your electric cooperative. As I sit here and write this article for the paper, we are entering week number eight of a segregated group of people separated into cells to preserve the integrity of the service that we pride ourselves in. Each cell is unique, spreading all over the complex and also separating our Westby crew from the Medicine Lake crews.
These are designed to protect the employees and the membership. If one cell becomes infected, there is another separate protected cell to take their place, thus preserving service to our membership. It has not been easy for the employees of Sheridan Electric, but I will have to say, they have all stepped up and are taking the preservation of the cells and the protection program very seriously.
It does present a challenge. Non-face to face communication is tough at best. Getting the people what they need and when they need it is another chore. And to keep spirits up is another.
One day, Kory Opp chatted with his folks about what their needs may be. Jokingly they requested a nacho and a pinball machine. All in good fun, we supplied a small dish of nachos and a small cup of cheese, as well as threw a few old board games on the table.
Now, we all know it was in good fun, and these crews would never take work time for granted to play these games, but I do want to talk about needs when faced with something like this.
It is too easy to forget about people when segregated. It is especially easy to forget about the single employee who usually works alone and has no face-to-face contact.
It is about people and people’s needs that I concern myself about and have long discussions every day about these folks.
Yes, if this continues, I may purchase the nacho machine, but no pinball machines.
This is to assist in preserving the integrity of the program. Once the integrity is lost, we are open for all kinds of problems. These folks have worked very hard to keep this in place. We have an excellent group of people working at you cooperative, a group of people I fully intend to keep working for you.
We always are communicating with them all to see what the needs are and when they will need them. Our hope is to see changes in the infections in the region and move back to normal. Then the family will be whole again.