
Dear Santa,
I love you and I like wen you give me presents. I want a Nerf gun. Thank you. From, Axel, Froid Kindergarten
Dear Santa,
I love you and I want a pretend elf. I loe elves. Thank you. From Jersey, Froid Kindergarten
Dear Santa,
I love you and I want an ultra 10 Nerf. Thank you. From Kade, Froid Kindergarten
Dear Santa,
I love you and I wat a Nerf ultra 3 and a Frozen bed. Thank you. From Chase, Froid Kindergarten
Dear Santa,
for chirstmas I want hot wells trak. I want it because I broke my first one. Soo thats why i want a new one. Love, buckley
Dear Santa,
For chirstmas I would ike walle he is so cute. I also wont the Minecrat Dungeons Lago setit is 1 ov my facorits I would like from us set please I like it so pllleeeessss. Love, Jacob
Dear Santa,
For christmas I would lke a PS5, Iphone 12 pro max slime balloons and I want to get my room fixed with new carpit and a tv. I wish you a marry chritmas and a happy new year oops I forgot g wobles. Love, Colton
Dear Santa,
For christmasI would like an iphone12 pleace, xox 1 please nintendow swich for me please, a nerf ultra 3 please, a ucuclaly plaese, a science lab please. Thank you. Love, Colby
Dear Santa,
Could I please have bag of balloons thank yoou. Could I please have a mincraft lego set. Could I have an intendo switch thank you. I wish you have a good year. Could I have 2 more intendo switch fore my brother and sister. Love, Bryce
Dear Santa,
For christmas I would like all my classes clips to go up. I would like a tablet. I want to see you for christmas and I would like a tablet. I would like a bad guys 9 that aIcan keep at hoome. I wish you a mary christmas and a happy new year. Love, Brooke Wieinger
Dear Santa,
Howv are you? Merry Christmas! I love you Santa. I want a snow globe. How is your elfs? I love you Mrs. Claus How are your reindeers. Love, Avaya
Dear Santa,
I hope that you wil bring lots of presents. I love you Merry Christmas. Love, Shae
Dear Santa,
I love Santa. I have been good. Can I have ear muffs. And can I have a sled. I love misis clus. I also wunt a doll. Love, Joslynn
Dear Santa,
I am so hapy you are friends with my mrs. Rupp. I have ben vere good. I wont lots of presents. How are your rander. How is Mrs. close. How are your elfs. Merry christmas Love, Brooklylnn
Dear Santa,
How are you? I would like a Nerf gun, nintendo switch, and a watch. Thank you. Love, Jonathan T
Dear Santa,
How do yyou deliver all of the toys. How many elveles are there I want for Christmas is a Black drone. Love, Lakota F
Dear Santa,
I take care of my rabbit everyday when I get home. How many children are in the world? I want one thing this year, a happy family. Love, Peyton K
Dear Santa,
I have been good because I help my mom with chors. I really want for chirstmas a book and can I have art stuff and a desk please. Love, Bella M
Dear Santa,
I wish I could see you in person. I wish I could sit on your lap. I put up my Christmas lights just for ou. Can you give me some candy and put it in my stocking please? Love, Blake S
Dear Santa,
I was good and helped mom decorate the tree. Why ddo you wear red not blue? Please can I have a blue drone? Love, Gage
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year because I do my homework every day. I want my mom to get new dish rags and a chocolate bar. I want Memphis to get a xbox x. Can you please give me Madden 21. How cold is it at vthe North Pole. How many reindeer do you have? Love, Parker S
Dear Santa,
I have been good ths year I have been following the rules. Can I have a scooter because my other scooter broke. How many elfs are at the nOrth Pole. Can you make my mom happy? I would do anything to make my mom happy? I hope all my friends get toys. Love, Paisley F
Dear Santa,
Can you get me an xbox 1x, mindcraft games MW 3 games, a phoe, a computer, LED lights a dog, a water bottle, a football, a sniper Nerf gun, food, a roku tv. Can your rindeer fly Santa?
Love, Memphis D.H
Dear Santa,
I love Christmas. I love Christmas because it is a day where we celabrate Jesus. we get to decorate our house. We get presents but one of the things I want is a book. Love, Juliet J
Dear Santa,
I was really good this year. I only want a couple of things for Christmas like legos and shoes and a water bottle. How do you go throw chimneys that are small?
Your friend, Cetcye
Dear Santa,
I love giving. Can I give you a present? Can I have a teddy bear for Christmas please? And maybe a phone and please a hoverboard? Can I have a Santa stuffed please? I don’t really want anything at all, but thank you for being awesome.
Your friend, Brailey
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa! Last year, I wrote a lot of stuff that I wanted, and it kinda felt like demands. But, this year, I’m sticking to something small. A Farm World treehouse set, hover board (shiny light blue), the schliech house and camper. I hope the new suit fits well. Have a very merry Christmas.
Your friend, Aeryn Ator
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a good day. And how are you? For Christmas, can I have a 3D puzzle and new things? I hope you’re doing good too. Have I been good? What is your wife doing?
Your friend, Maddie Annett
Dear Santa,
May I please have a tablet, a computer, a bike, a dirt bike and led lights. Where do you go first? How do you get in a house with no chimney? Have a merry Christmas!
Your friend, Dakota
Dear Santa,
How was your day? How is Mrs. Claus? I missed Candy Cane but when she came back, I was happy. I want sond and a puppy stuffed animal. Merry Christmas!
Your friend, Harper
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa, can I please have an elf costume? I am a big fan of elves and you too. I also tried to be good this year, but this year I will be good. Santa, I will try my best Merry Christmas. I will leave some cookies and milk for you. And my tree will be cool. Hope it’s good at the North Pole. Please can I have a pc computer and a boy collectior. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Lynn
Dear Santa,
How have you been? I would like some cow supplies, a toy horse barn and the new hows to be done, please. Merry Christmas, Santa.
Your friend, Taylor
Dear Santa,
I want a fuzzy blanket for Christmas. I want a Spot the Cat book. I want a stuffed dog toy, please.
Your friend, Aiden
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas, I want an elf downstairs please. I want a reindeer.
Ellie Shanks, First grade
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? Please can I have a doll. Thank you for the toy last year. Can I please have a reindeer?
Kynzie Smith, First grade
Dear Santa,
I need new clothes. Can I have an ipad? How are the elves? Can I have a frog? Can I please have a calendar? How are you?
Ava Henry, First grade
Dear Santa,
How are the elves? Can I please have hot wheels? Please can I have mareocart? Vallie, First grade
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus? Please give me an X box and two reindeer.
Everett Bain, First grade
Dear Santa,
I would like trax race cars. Thank you. Asher Hauenstein, First grade
Dear Santa,
I would like a R.C. car and an X-box. Thank you.
Travis Bets His Medicine, First grade
Dear Santa,
Is is snowing up there? Please can I have a DJ set? Please can I have a computer?
Gavin Fox, First grade
Dear Santa,
How’s the reindeer? Can I please have a ranger? I want a big service pickup. I want a big swatcher. I want a big combine. I want a truck with a trailer. Boone Vanden Bos, First grade
Dear Santa,
I love you Santa Claus. I hope I get a lot of presents. You are like my brother this year. I want to give you presents. Tanner
Snowkid was a snowman But everybody just called him snowman And he melted and he hated That part of his life and kids Will just splashy on his body And he will be build again and again And he liked being made again.
The end