MMM Dear Santa, How ….

Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus? What do you feed the reindeer? Can I get some Skittles for Christmas? I would love a big car, so I can drive to Nashville to vist Taylor Swift! Do you play Duck, Duck, Goose with the elves? Have a great weekend!
Teddy Anderson, First grade
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus? Is it nice there? How are the elves? How are you? May I please have an Xbox? Thanks for the boys.
Huck Anderson, First grade
Dear Santa,
How are your elves? How are you? Please can I have a gymnastics bag and a fake barn.
Harlee Faye Steppler, First grade
Dear Santa,
I’ve been good, but I’ve been doing nothing for Christmas. I only been opening presents, by the way. I want an X-box.
Your friend, Colby
Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer doing? I don’t remember all of their names. I want a tablet this year. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Do you know how many elves you have? I want a pocket watch. Eli
Dear Santa,
I hope you like this letter. I want a PS3 and an X-box 1 and an i-phone 12. I want a Baltimore Ravens’ mask and a Los Angles Lakers’ mask and some coal and a golden chain.
Those are my Christmas wishes. Flint
Dear Santa,
I hope I been good this year. What I want for Christmas is a dirt bike, pro scooter, new dog, one phone, two mimis, basketball shoes, art supplies, air pods, new horse, guitar. Miley
Dear Santa,
I love Christmas. It’s my favorite time because my family comes together and we have a big feast with turkey, ham, pie, cookies and my whole family sings a song together. By David