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Culbertson Council Hears Updates On Ike’s Pond, Airport Board

Culbertson Council Hears Updates  On Ike’s Pond, Airport Board Culbertson Council Hears Updates  On Ike’s Pond, Airport Board

Final Water Tank Repairs Delayed Due To Leaks

The Culbertson Town Council held their regular meeting at town hall Monday, Dec. 15. The full council was in attendance, with Mayor Larry Crowder presiding. Rick Knick and Ken Forbregd also attended.

Forbregd spoke to the council about fundraising at Ike’s Fishing Pond and Walking Path. He said final bills have been received from Hurley’s Oilfield Services for contracting on the project and donations are being solicited to cover the approximately $155,000 debt. According to Forbregd, the bridge portion of the walking trail has been paid for with donations and Department of Transportation funding. “It’s going well,” said Forbregd. “A lot of donations are rolling in.”

Forbregd added that water bugs have been detected under the ice, which he says is a promising sign for the addition of fish in the spring. He said Fish, Wildlife & Parks will stock the pond twice a year and, prior to any special events upon request. He said trout will be stocked and possibly blue gill and other species.

Jeremy Fadness with WWC Engineering told the council that repairs to the water tank, which were expected to be completed, have been delayed due to leaks detected after public works director Bob Jasper began filling the tank to test the new liner. Fadness said representatives from Pittsburgh Tank will be addressing the problem.

A resolution was passed approving a State Revolving Fund loan request to cover soft costs related to the MDT Highway 2 project. The project includes approximately five blocks in Culbertson and is scheduled for completion in 2023.

Councilman Nick Oelkers asked that the town’s legal representatives provide an update on the status of the Legion Park case for the January meeting.

A meeting of the planning board is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 20. The board will be developing the town’s capital improvement plan and growth policies.

Knick gave an airport board report and requested council approval on final changes to language in the airport lease structure. The board approved minor changes and additions, including a definite loan term of 10 years and a price of $3 per linear foot.

A permit was approved for Gabe and Taleasha Stuber, who went through the sketch/site plan process requesting permission to place a manufactured home on a permanent foundation with an attached garage and shed at 711 6th Ave. E. WWC Engineering signed off on the project.

An open position with town maintenance for a water/wastewater worker will remain open for another month. Town Clerk Tiffani Jasper suggested adjusting the requirements for the position to allow applicants to secure a commercial driver’s license while on the job. For more information, contact the town at 406-787-5271.

The next regular council meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 11.

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