documents for the airport. The ….
documents for the airport. The council also approved a pre-application packet for a planned purchase of a runway broom at a cost of $598,000. The city and county’s portion of the broom will be approximately $15,000 each.
During police and animal control committee reports, a fourth round of CARES Act funding was discussed. It will be the final round of funding for the department, with a payment of $82,589.17 due by Jan. 25.
The board of health and safety committee reported that the county has abated taxes due on property located at 425 Dawson St.
The personnel, policy and wage committee reported that liability training was held Dec. 2. Public works director Ward Smith provided his monthly activity report. He said city crews have also undergone recent training on special equipment.
City clerk/treasurer Marlene Malhum discussed feedback on her audit report for fiscal year 2019-20. She also distributed monthly financial reports. The council approved revenue and expenditure reports and treasurer’s cash reports for November.
Dschaak wished the council and the community a happy Christmas and New Year’s and reminded everyone that meeting dates for Jan. and Feb. have moved due to President’s Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 19.