Kinzie Active In Supportive Groups
Wolf Point High School senior Emily Kinzie has a positive role supporting fellow classmates at the school.
Activities that Kinzie is involved with include cheerleading, FFA, Wolf People and NDO.
She explains that NDO is a national youth group that coops with similar clubs in the region.
“We come up with a business plan and present it in Las Vegas with other tribal schools,” Kinzie said.
There are about 15 Wolf Point students involved with the program. The top business plans earn cash prizes.
She said Wolf People held its first meeting of the school year during November. Activities have included selling little sleds during the Christmas bazaar. The club will also sell some food items during basketball games this winter.
Kinzie has been involved in FFA since advisor Martin Toavs encouraged her to join the organization.
“It’s a great program,” Kinzie said. “It teaches students where their food comes from.”
Her favorite areas of FFA are floriculture and agronomy.
The club’s first competition of the year involved floriculture in Bainville on Monday, Dec. 14.
“It went well,” Kinzle said of the event. “We made Christmas wreaths and then posted Instagrams about it.”
Her favorite class is English College Composition with instructor Tiffani Darby.
“She’s a fun teacher and inspires me to do well,” Kinzie said.
Her favorite teachers include Darby and art teacher Vivian Schultz.
Kinzie’s plans include study dermatology at Montana State University in Bozeman.
“I like learning about skins and all their different types,” she explained.
She has been working as a CNA at the nursing home.
“I like listening to the older people and about all their experiences,” Kinzie said.