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TEB Talks Wellness Center, Drilling Rights

The Tribal Executive Board met Monday, Dec. 28, to hear from Bureau of Indian Affairs Superintendent Anna Eder and to discuss matters regarding the new wellness center in Poplar, oil drilling rights on fee lands and reports from TEB finance and energy committees. The superintendent’s brief meeting with the board brought news of a new director of social services from the Northern Cheyenne Agency.

The board then discussed the future of the new wellness center. Under a new committee of five called the Fort Peck Sub-DCE, LLC, the board will work to earn tax credits from the State. Board member Patt Runs Through commented in the meeting that she didn’t want the committee to go “on and on.” The Tribes were previously planning a $1.5 million tax credit, but it increased to $3.4 million recently. In a phone interview, Runs Through told the Northern Plains Independent that she wanted to ensure that the five members of the new committee would be consistent.

The board was briefed on the Assiniboine & Sioux Mineral Department and rights for drilling on fee lands. The ASMD is seeking an agreement to drill until Feb. 21, 2021. Once the agreement terminates on that date, the ASMD will have more freedom to operate in these areas. Along with the agreement, the The Tribes are awaiting approval from Montana Secretary of State and for the ASMD’s board of directors to order necessary checks.

The finance committee reported that small business loans were being made available for tribal owned businesses on the reservation. Any leftover funds would be given to tribal-member- owned businesses outside the reservation. Runs Through asked about the possibility of making the third COVID relief checks open to those who missed the first round of checks, but the issue was tabled for a future meeting. The energy committee gave their report, stating that the Tribes would need to amend the gasoline tax in order to be in line with the agreement with the state.

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