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Russell Expresses Herself Through Music

Russell Expresses Herself Through Music Russell Expresses Herself Through Music

Senior Jocelyn Russell enjoys sharing her musical talents at Wolf Point High School.

She has excelled on the tenor saxophone for the last four years as a band student. Her accomplishments have included a perfect score at district music and an excellent mark at the state music festival.

Russell competed in two solos and one group division. She hopes to widen her selections this school year.

“I want to probably play more jazz music,” Russell said. “I really like playing that.”

She also enjoys being part of the school’s pep band during home sports contests.

“As a group, we all have fun and cheer on all the players,” Russell said.

As a member of the school’s swing choir for three years, she has earned honors at music festivals.

“I like how everybody tends to bond together and works all in a group,” Russell said about the swing choir.

Other talents that Russell has include painting and drawing. She’s currently working on a landscape that features a reflection of a lake.

Her favorite classes are art, swing choir and English. She likes the pace of her English class and the books being read.

Favorite teachers are Russell Johnson and Tiffani Darby.

The senior said that Johnson is laid back and easy to get along with. Darby is very nurturing.

“Wolf Point as a community tends to be close-knitted,” Russell said. “It’s easy to make friends at the high school. It’s small enough for the teachers to focus on students.”

Russell plans to attend Fort Peck Community College and also work in order achieve her dreams. She wants to become a teacher.

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