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Teachers, School District Agree On Contract

The Wolf Point Education Association and the Wolf Point School board agreed to a two-year contract on Wednesday, Jan. 20.

The agreement is a 2 percent pay raise for the 2020-2021 school year and a 1.5 percent pay raise for the 2021-2022 school year.

Prior to reaching the agreement, the school board was offering a salary increase of 3 percent total for a two-year period. The Wolf Point Education Association was asking for a 3 percent raise for each of the two years.

“It’s a good day,” Wolf Point Superintendent of Schools Loverty Erickson said after the agreement was made.

Health insurance will remain the same. School officials plan to research the Poplar model for a health reimbursement plan to possibly consider in the future.

In addition, the school district’s classified staff such as office workers and custodians will receive a 2 percent increase each year.

During a collective bargaining meeting held in November, Andy Sever of the Montana School Board Association shared salary information from schools in the state. That data showed that Wolf Point School District’s base average of $31,877 ranks 108th out of 221 schools. The 26-year earning potential of $1,381,456 ranks 53rd in the state. The maximum income with a bachelor’s degree of $57,921 ranks 87th and the maximum of $66,942 with a master’s degree ranks 69th.

When family health insurance benefits are included, Wolf Point ranks seventh in the state for 26year earning potential, 16th for bachelor’s degree maximum and 12th for master’s degree maximum. When a single person’s health benefits are included, Wolf Point ranks 52nd for 26-year earning potential, 78th for bachelor’s degree maximum and 64th for master’s degree maximum.

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