•March 11: Seasonal Outlooks ….
•March 11: Seasonal Outlooks and Potential Climate Change Impacts for Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota - Patrick Gilchrist, warning coordination meteorologist/ service coordination hydrologist, NOAA, National Weather Service Station – Glasgow.
•March 25: Topic: marketing; Title: pending; Keynote -Dr. Vincent Smith, professor, Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University – Bozeman.
Recordings of all webinars in the series will also be made available on the 2021 MonDak Ag Research Summit website: www.ars.usda. gov/pa/nparl/agsummit.
For additional questions or more information on this series, visit the website or contact Beth Redlin at 406-433-9427, beth.redlin@usda. gov or Violeta Hobbs at 701-774-4315, Violeta.hobbs@ndsu.edu.