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Judge Sees Reduced Travel Time Due To Technology

Judge Sees Reduced Travel  Time Due To Technology Judge Sees Reduced Travel  Time Due To Technology

District Judge David Cybulski keeps very busy presiding in courts throughout Montana’s northeastern corner, but he is glad that his courts aren’t as busy as the ones in urban locations.

Gov. Greg Gianforte’s proposed budget includes adding judges in Flathead and Gallatin counties. Cybulski feels that’s a good decision.

“They are so busy. They need more judges out there,” Cybulski said.

The 15th judicial district includes Roosevelt, Sheridan and Daniels counties. Covering those rural areas usually means a lot of driving, but travel has decreased because at least some hearings can take place through video conferencing.

“My travel has cut down a lot,” Cybulski said.

He has covered many cases in Glendive and Sidney, and has also presided for cases in such cities as Bozeman, Billings and Kalispell. For example, Cybulski needed to preside over several cases in Glendive a couple years ago because of the conflict of interests that existed when a former county attorney was voted as the new district judge. After all, the new judge already has started to work on some of the cases as county attorney.

Travel time especially decreased during 2020 because of COVID restrictions. For example, all hearings in Wolf Point have been conducted through video conferencing. There haven’t been any trials during this time frame.

“That’s mainly what we consider safer practices,” Cybulski said.

Video conferencing has been a blessing for judges working in the state’s more remote areas.

“It’s reduced travel a lot,” Cybulski said.

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