Wolf Point Police And Fire Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department for Jan. 18-31. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.) Citations were issued to:
January 19
Elton Lambert Jr., 21, male, 900 block of Fourth Avenue South, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
January 21
Michael SeesTheElk, 36, male, 100 block of Anaconda Street, warrant, tribal court.
Anthony Loveshim, 43, male, 100 block of Third Avenue South, public intoxication and disorderly conduct, tribal court.
Lori Cochran, 26, female, 300 block of Front Street, aggravated disorderly conduct, tribal court.
Deacon Cruse-Williams, 24, male, 1200 block of Fourth Avenue North, partner/family member assault, endangering the welfare of children and criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, tribal court.
Melissa Brock, 31, female, Fourth Avenue North and Blaine Street, operating with expired registration, driving without a license, start/turn/ stop without regard to safety and no insurance, tribal court.
Talon Blackeagle, 31, male, Fourth Avenue North and Blaine Street, warrant, tribal court.
January 22
Norman Owens Sr., 49, male, 500 block of Main Street, warrant, tribal court.
January 26
Clay Nygaard, 26, male, 1000 Fourth Avenue North, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
January 27
Azariah Bear, 20, male, U.S, Highway 2 and Second Avenue North, reckless driving and speeding, tribal court.
January 30
Edward Hodges II, 51, male, 200 block of Custer Street, special domestic violence criminal offense, tribal court.
Deidra Gone, 45, female, Third Avenue South and Main Street, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned auto, three; accident/ traffic, one; alarm/business, four; animal/dog bite, one; animal/ found, one; animal/stray, one; assault, two; assistance required/public, 17; attempted burglary/residential, one; body found/male adult, one; burglary/residential/forcible, three; child abandonment, three; child neglect, one; civil complaint/civil standby, one; criminal mischief, one; custodial interference, four; disorderly conduct/fight, two; disorderly conduct, one; disorderly conduct/vagrant, three; disturbance/arguments, four; disturbance, three; disturbance/ panhandling, one; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, 12; domestic abuse, four; domestic/family disturbance, one; driving under the influence/alcohol, three; fire, one; fire/structure, two; fraud, one; harassment, four; medical assistance, nine; missing person/child, one; missing person, one; other, four; patrol, one; patrol/city limits, 19; public intoxication, one; recover stolen property, one; simple assault, one; stolen vehicle, one; suspicious person, two; suspicious vehicle, one; theft, five; threats, two; traffic crime/reckless driver, one; traffic incident, 11; traffic property/other motor vehicle, three; traffic roads/ parking, 16; trespassing, three; unsecured premises/law enforcement reported, two; vandalism, six; vandalism/all others, one; vandalism/motor vehicle, one; vandalism/ non-residence, one; warrant, one; weapon offense, one; welfare check, 19; removal of an unwanted individual(s), two; total, 206.
Fire Blotter Jan. 20: The Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department responded with one truck to an accidental fire at a structure on Seventh Avenue North at 5:32 a.m.
Jan. 21: The WPVFD responded again with one truck to Seventh Avenue North at 9:22 a.m.
At 6:40 p.m., one truck responded to two dumpsters on fire on the 500 block of Cascade Street.
Jan. 22: One truck responded to a false alarm at a residence on the 7500 block of U.S. Highway 2 at 2:45 p.m.
Jan. 31: At 9:37 p.m., the WPVFD responded to a structure fire on the 300 block of Fifth Avenue South.