Officials Continue Vaccinations In County
Indian Health Services, Roosevelt County Health Department and Roosevelt Medical Center continue to vaccinate people in Phase 1B of the governor’s phased vaccination plan — ages greater than 70, people of color and those with certain high risk medical conditions.
RCHD held a vaccination clinic at the Culbertson Armory Feb. 2, where approximately 100 people received their first doses, and provided second dose vaccinations to Faith Lutheran Home residents and staff on Feb. 3.
To date, these are the numbers of COVID vaccines administered in Roosevelt County and Fort Peck Reservation: Roosevelt Medical Center: 69 first doses; Roosevelt County Health Department: 264 first doses; Indian Health Services: Unavailable at press time.
Because entities are being notified only a week in advance of their vaccine allocations, COVID vaccination clinics cannot be planned very far ahead of time. When IHS plans a clinic, they notify the public by radio and Facebook. RCHD currently has a list of more than 500 people who have requested the vaccine in all phases. As doses are received, appointments are set up with those who are in the current phase.
Both IHS and RCHD report receiving about half of the vaccine quantities ordered. It is hoped for and predicted that allocations will increase, but it is not known when that will happen.
Schools in Roosevelt County continue to be a hotspot for COVID-19 cases. COVID-19 is still a relatively new disease, and its long-term effects for those who contract it are yet unclear. Due to the fact that children cannot receive the COVID vaccine, we must continue to take extra precautions when working with and around school-age children. This includes wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands and staying home when sick.
When deciding whether to attend a public event, such as basketball games, please consider all risks to yourself and those around you before making a final decision on whether to attend. If you do attend, please wear a mask and social distance. These measures only work if everyone abides by them. Let’s work together to reduce the levels of COVID cases in our community!
To get signed up on the Roosevelt County Health Department list for COVID vaccinations:
•Call RCHD at 406-653-6223 or 406-653-6124.
•Go to the Roosevelt County Health Department Facebook page, click on the signup link, and complete the information.
RCHD schedules clinics based on vaccine availability, as determined by the state.
When vaccine is available for your phase, you will be called with an appointment time and place for your vaccination.
The current group of people being vaccinated is Phase 1B: Persons aged 70 years and older; American Indians and other people of color who may be at elevated risk for COVID-19 complications; Persons aged 16-69 with highrisk medical conditions. Qualifying medical conditions include: Cancer, Chronic kidney disease, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Down Syndrome, heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies, Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant, Severe Obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2), Sickle cell disease, Type 1 & 2 Diabetes mellitus On a case by case basis, medical providers may include individuals with other conditions that place them at elevated risk for COVID-19 related complications.
Numbers reported by the county are different from the state. County numbers are more accurate at this time. Differences are largely due to delays in reporting practices between agencies. Numbers include cases from all of Roosevelt County, including those individuals residing within the bounds of the Fort Peck Nation.
This pandemic is highly disruptive to our lives in Northeast Montana. Everyone is tired of the measures we must continue to take to contain it, but unfortunately, it is not over yet. We must continue to work together as a community to contain the virus in order to protect the most vulnerable among us.
If you have questions about COVID-19 or the vaccine, please email: covid19taskforce@
Area Statistics
This week’s Roosevelt County situation report includes: two new cases and 36 active cases for Jan. 31, six new cases and 38 active cases for Feb. 1, seven new cases and 39 active cases for Feb. 2, two new cases for Feb. 3, and seven new cases and 46 active cases for Feb. 4. There has been 54 COVID-related deaths in Roosevelt County.
As of Thursday, Feb. 4, Valley County’s active count was 58. Valley County reported 10 deaths due to COVID-19 and/ or complications. There have been 722 recovered cases.
Daniels County had four active cases as of Monday, Feb. 8. The county has 181 recovered cases and 192 cumulative cases. Seven deaths have occurred due to COVID-19 and/or complications. There are no cases currently hospitalized.
In McCone County, there was six active case as of Monday, Feb. 18 There are 161 recovered cases. The Phillips County Health Department was reporting four active cases as of Monday, Feb. 8. Four hundred and seventy cases are listed as recovered. There is one active hospitalization and 15 reported COVID-related deaths.
For Richland County, there are 32 active cases and 1,099 recovered cases as of Monday, Feb. 8. Total deaths are 15. There are 50-plus contacts being monitored.
According to Montana health officials, the state’s total number of known cases now stands at 95,914 since the start of the pandemic. There have been 992,938 tests conducted.
Around the state, there are 3,220 active cases. There are 101 active hospitalizations.
By Tuesday, Feb. 9, a total of 1,314 deaths have been reported statewide. A total of 91,380 people are listed as recovered.
Several health mandates for Montana put into effect by former Gov. Steve Bullock were removed by new Gov. Greg Gianforte Jan. 15.
Restaurants, bars, breweries, distilleries and casinos no longer have to close at 10 p.m. Gianforte encourages businesses to follow public health guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, but the governor removed capacity limits for businesses.
Former Gov. Steve Bullock’s directive requires face masking in any indoor space, open to the public, is mandatory for people ages 5 years and older. For children 2-4 years of age, face coverings are strongly encouraged. A drape may be used for babies. The mask mandate in Montana stays in effect, at least, for now.
In an earlier press conference, Gianforte said he will be willing to repeal the mask mandate when vaccines are distributed to the vulnerable and relevant legislation crosses his desk involving incentives, rather than restrictions, for business owners. He said the guiding principals for moving forward will include protecting the vulnerable and creating incentives for business owners and other organizations.
County sheriffs and other law enforcement across the state have said that the mask mandate is not enforceable and violations should not be called into 911.
Flu Shots
Area health officials are stressing that flu shots are more important this year than ever because the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to keep the community safe, health officials offer advice and information on these two infections are related. COVID-19 and the flu are each highly contagious respiratory infections, but have some key differences. They are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is more infectious, and there is a vaccine to prevent the flu. There are some symptom similarities between the two, which may make it difficult to determine which illness you have if you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, vomiting and diarrhea. Flu can be a more mild illness than COVID-19, and COVID-19 symptoms also can include loss of taste or smell. It may be necessary to receive testing to determine which illness you are experiencing.
To get a flu shot, make an appointment with the Roosevelt County Health Department or make an appointment with your primary care provider.
Flu shots are available at the following locations: Roosevelt County Health Department, Chief Redstone IHS Clinic in Wolf Point, Verne E. Gibbs IHS Clinic in Poplar, Listerud Rural Health Clinic in Wolf Point, Riverside Clinic in Poplar and Roosevelt Medical Clinic in Culbertson.
Vaccines are covered by health insurance, Medicaid and Medicare. If you don’t have health insurance, call the health department for assistance at 653-6223.
Area Schools
Local health officials approved the Wolf Point School District to reopen four days a week (Plan A) starting Monday, Nov. 2. Classes began on that day for Wolf Point High School, Wolf Point Junior High School and Northside Elementary Schools. Classes resumed at Southside Elementary Wednesday, Nov. 11.
For Frontier Elementary School, classes are back in session Students in grades K-2 and 5-8 will attend Monday through Friday. Thirdgrade students will attend Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Fourth-grade students will attend Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Dismissal is 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 2:30 p.m. on Friday.
The Frazer School returned to in-class instruction Oct. 5. Students are offered the optout option.
Brockton School has amended its basketball attendance policy. Visiting teams will still be limited to two guests per player. Brockton fans will no longer be limited to two guests per player. Any Brockton guests may attend the games up until the gym reaches 75 percent of capacity.
Poplar High School students attend daily, Monday- Thursday, during the second semester. Fridays will be for individual student, scheduled interventions and/ or small group help including remote learners.
Fort Peck Tribes
Fort Peck Tribes are now in a modified phase 2 reopening. Starting on Jan. 15, all tribal employees returned to work from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tribal casinos have reopened from 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. at 50 percent capacity.
No gathering of 30 or more people is allowed. Curfew is 12:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m.
COVID-19 & Mental Health
The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing response have brought many changes to our lives. Across the world, reports are coming in on how this pandemic affects mental health. These effects include increased stress, fear, anxiety and worry. The World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the State of Montana, among many others, have begun providing guidance and materials on how to cope with the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. From healthcare workers to caregivers to children to individuals in isolation, COVID-19 is affecting everyone, including residents of Roosevelt County. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as increased tobacco or alcohol use, can put yourself and those around you at increased risk.
If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health crisis, seek immediate help: Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255, the Crisis Text Line can be reached by texting “MT” to 741-741, Eastern Montana Mental Health Center Toll Free Crisis Phone Line: 800-597-6608, or call 911. If you or a loved one are experiencing a substance use issue, reach out to the following for help: SAMHSA’s National Helpline: 800-662-HELP (4357) and TTY 800-487-4889, Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center 653-1872.
For more information, visit the RCHD Facebook page or or the CDC’s Coping with Stress page, 2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/ managing-stress-anxiety. html.
Vaccine Info
The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services’ dashboard features county by county breakdown as far as vaccination numbers.
In Roosevelt County, 1,188 total doses have been administered. There have been 216 fully immunizations.
As of Monday, Feb. 8, 140,070 total doses have been administered in Montana. There are 38,444 fully immunized Montanans. The map features such information as total doses administered, number of first doses administered, number of people fully immunized, doses administered per 1,000 people and eligible population to be vaccinated.
The dashboard can be found at https://www.arcgis. com/apps/MapSeries/ index.html?appid=7c-34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b.