Knudsen’s Health Bill Getting Support
A bill that aims to improve health care access in Montana has been receiving strong support from Montana’s legislators.
House Bill 43, sponsored by Rep. Rhonda Knudsen, R-Culbertson, is an act that will revise laws relating to telehealth prohibiting certain contract provisions that impose site restrictions on telehealth, provide that a previously established patient-health care provider relationship is not required to receive services by telehealth, revise the definition of telemedicine and extend the coverage requirements to public employee plans and self-insured student health plans.
During the second reading on Tuesday, Feb. 9, Knudsen noted that the proposal comes from the auditor’s office.
Knudsen admitted that she doesn’t have a health care background, but she’s sponsoring the bill because it will benefit rural Montanans.
“When you live in the middle of nowhere, health services aren’t always easy to get,” Knudsen said.
The House passed the bill’s second reading by a margin of 100-0.