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Star Quilts Show Honor And Respect

Star Quilts Show Honor And Respect Star Quilts Show Honor And Respect

For many tribes from the Great Plains, the star quilt represents honor and generosity.

In many communities across Indian Country, star quilts — wičháȟpi owíŋža in Lakota or šiná ožąžą in Nakota — adorn some of the most renowned facilities, buildings and structures as a reflection of the Native American culture. Star quilts are presented to fellow high school athletes, teachers, mentors and honored dignitaries as one of the most valued gifts that can be given in Indian Country. They are draped over the shoulders of the recipient to symbolize protection on their journey through life.

The star quilt was adopted by many tribes as a replacement for buffalo robes when the buffalo were near extinction. The giving of buffalo hides and robes is a tradition among many tribes as an act of love, peace and respect. The act of giving continued through the dedication of women who learned to sew quilts.

The star quilt’s tradition of honor grew as the quilts were draped around the shoulders of Lakota and Nakota warriors and hunters when they returned from battle or a successful hunt.

Today, star quilts are gifted in a similarly in the way buffalo hides were gifted, marking significant events among a people and family — the first given at birth and the last given at death.

The lone star was chosen as the main design since many traditional designs emulated stars, particularly the Morning Star — the star that welcomes the new day. The Morning Star is the last and brightest star in the eastern horizon before dawn. It was believed the Morning Star represented the way the spirits came to Earth and served as a link between the living and the dead. The pattern is made of small diamonds pieced together in eight sections. These sections join together to create the eight-point star.

Generosity is an important virtue among the beliefs and traditions of the Lakota and Nakota people. The image of a star quilt serves as a reminder of the significance and honor that comes from giving to others.

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