Bainville Council Swears In Giese

The Bainville Town Council met Monday, March 8. Matt Giese was sworn in as the newest member of the council. Following the swearing in and approval of February meeting minutes, a resignation letter from councilmember Travis Wills was discussed. The council decided to keep Wills on the council until his term expires or a replacement can be found.
Con’s Weed Control Service of Sidney was approved and authorizes for spraying Simard Park in the amount of $319.00.
A proposal was considered from Denning, Downey & Associates, P.C. They have offered to do an audit/ financial review in the amount of $3,400. The matter was tabled for further discussion.
Dog license tags have arrived, but town clerk Nikki Rogers would like to start licensing in April in order to give the office time to get a system in place.
Clean up letters will go out March 15 to all property owners. The council asked Rogers to make a special request for compliance to property owners on Main Street, including persons displaying spray-painted political signage.
The council approved a request from Ernie Bingham to graze horses on town property adjacent to his own.
Rogers reported the CARES Relief Fund has reimbursed the Town of Bainville in the amount of $2,417. Claims with checks dated March 8 were approved, as were JV and UB vouchers and payroll slips.
Delinquent accounts were reviewed to residents.
The next council meeting is set for April 12.
and letters will be going out