Culbertson Council Approves Bathhouse Fundraising
The Culbertson Town Council held its regular meeting Monday, May 12. DeAnne Weeks and Lanette Bidegaray with the Culbertson Women’s Club attended the meeting to answer questions about pool bathhouse and splash pad plans. The pair told the council that repairs and improvements at the pool bathhouse are urgently needed and added that no substantial improvements have been made since the 1970s. The club currently has $120,000 in matching funds ready.
The council passed a motion acknowledging donations for the project from Town Pump and BNSF via Women’s Club fundraising efforts and approving a letter soliciting funds from United Grain.
The council also approved an application for project funding from the Land & Water Conservation Fund.
The club has planned a fundraiser/ breakfast event at town hall April 24. For more information about the event or the bathhouse project, call Bidegaray at 406-480-3526.
Ike’s Pond project manager Ken Forbregd provided an update to the council. A ribbon cutting event has been scheduled for May 15, with tentative plans for a town cleanup day to coincide with the ribbon cutting. A barbecue has been planned at the pond starting at noon.
The council approved a floodlight and a standard streetlight for instillation at Ike’s. The cost will be approximately $16 per month.
Rick Knick gave the council an update about plans at Big Sky Airport. The council approved moving forward with plans for demolishing and replacing the pilots’ lounge at the airport. The town will also be moving forward with plans to acquire snow removal equipment for the airport. Bids were received from I-State Truck Center in Billings and Quality Truck Center in Fond Du Lac, Wis.
Plans to lease the town’s water plant were discussed. Contractor Dry Red is proposing to use the Culbertson plant for water service in Fairview and Lambert. Mayor Larry Crowder said the town’s priority in considering the plans will be to shield taxpayers from risk and additional costs.
Minutes were passed for the March 8 meeting, as were financials and claims.
During new business, councilman Mark Nelson asked that water be turned on at Centennial Park. He said the park and the entrance to Culbertson from the south would be improved by some green grass.
The next council meeting is set for May 10.