Culbertson Museum Set To Open May 10
The Culbertson Museum board met Monday, April 12, at the museum. The meeting began at 10 a.m. Plans for opening day are in the works. The board agreed that hours for opening day festivities will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A cleaning day was set for May 1 at 9 a.m.
LeRiesa Waldhausen-Zahn and Genny Nordmeyer gave the board an update about plans to clean the museum’s caboose.
A request written by Suzette Houle to the Culbertson Saddle Club was approved. The approved language asks that saddle club members help clean up the barn.
Jill Herness gave the board a quilt update. She said the 2021 quilt is hanging at First Community Bank and the 2022 version in still in the works.
During the treasurer’s report, it was shared that the museum is up for $775 in payroll protection loan monies.
Buddy Colvin stopped by the meeting to update the board about repairs needed in the meat room. He said the thin metal needs to be braced against further wind damage or replaced outright. Fundraising efforts for repairs to the meat room and roof are ongoing. For more information, Herness can be reached at 406-787-5283 or 406-787-0247. Houle can be reached at 406-787- 6120.