Wolf Point Resident Claims Commissioners Acted Illegally

Wolf Point resident Bill Juve told Roosevelt County Commissioners that they acted illegally when they decided to give each full-time county employee a $1,000 stipend with CARES funds during a meeting on March 2.
“The item was not on the agenda for public discussion,” Juve said during the commissioners’ meeting on Tuesday, April 13.
He said the stipend wasn’t on the agenda, but was added as a discussion item. He said voting on the matter was illegal, according to the Freedom of Information Act and Montana public participation laws.
Juve added when he submitted a request about the vote from a commissioner, he felt like he received a very limited response.
When he asked the amount of CARES, COVID relief funds, that the county has spent, commissioner chair Gordon Oelkers replied the county received $1.8 million from the state after submitting claims.
Juve feels all county taxpayers should receive relief instead of just county employees getting a bonus.
“Every business has their own deal,” Oelkers said of helping employees. “Everybody takes care of their own employees.”
Juve expressed his concerns that elected county officers, including the three commissioners, received the $1,000 stipend. He asked why commissioners should receive the stipend.
“Because we’re Roosevelt County employees working for the taxpayers,” Oelkers said.
Juve suggested that commissioners be fined $500 each and return their $1,000 stipend.