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Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor:

Greed! At the Roosevelt County Commissioners’ meeting April 13, 2021, I heard more than once the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) money was given to the county and it could be used for anything related to the pandemic.

The three county commissioners felt that the best use for $110,000 of that taxpayer money supposedly to benefit the county was to put that money in their own pockets and county employees only. The action taken by the Commissioners on March 2, 2021, is in direct violation of the Montana Constitution, Article II, Section 8 and 9. They must feel they are above the laws of Montana.

When I brought this to the attention of the commissioners, it was like pouring water on a duck’s back. The action taken by the commissioners was only on the agenda the day of the meeting as a discussion item and provided no opportunity for public input. Not that that would have had any impact on the vote to take taxpayers’ money for their own personal gain.

If the commissioners wanted to fairly benefit residents of the county that elected them, why didn't they share the tax dollars? Almost everyone in the county endured as much or more hardship as did county employees.

I was told the money couldn't be used to pay taxes because it would mess up the mill levies, but they can use the stipend to pay their own taxes. Also they can take the money out of town with no benefit to the county. If this taxpayer money comes with no restrictions, why can't they give a $1,000 stipend to all county property taxpayers that are current on their taxes and pay by May 31, 2021? WHY? They certainly have a list because they send out the tax statements.

If you recall, the commissioners did the same thing with the oil severance money. They gave themselves $300 per month for over three years instead of using the funds for all Roosevelt County residents. That money should have gone to pay the debt for the new jail or other programs to benefit all. That action by the commissioners took an estimated $100,000 tax revenue for that stipend. Bill Juve

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