Three Seek Two Open Three-Year Seats On Culbertson School Board
Elections are coming up for Culbertson School Board spots. There are currently two, three-year terms open. The election will be held in the school gym Tuesday, May 4.
The candidates for the open three-year slots are Pastor Gretchen Wagner and incumbents Paul S. Finnicum and Mark Colvin.
Pastor Gretchen Wagner
Wagner is pastor for Trinity and First English Lutheran Parish in Culbertson.
She was a financial analyst for the 737 program at Boeing before moving to Montana. She is originally from Grants Pass, Ore., and holds a bachelor of arts degree in German from University of Oregon, as well as a masters degree in theology from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
“I was going to go for my PhD, but I decided to run for school board instead,” joked Wagner. Speaking more seriously, she said she hopes to offer an outside perspective on the board.
“All the candidates are great,” she said, “but it’s important to have a voice that isn’t directly connected to the school. I’d like to see the town thrive and that’s where the base is.”
Paul S. Finnicum
Paul S. Finnicum has served on the board for 18 years. He has been elected chairman for 16 of the last 18 years and served as president of the Montana School Board Association twice.
He graduated from CHS and earned a bachelor of science degree in agronomy from Montana State University.
Finnicum said he followed the examples of his father and grandfather, who also served on the board, but credits his dedication to his affection for CHS.
“First and foremost, I love the school,” he said.
He said his main interests are the wellbeing of the school and contributing to school policies locally and statewide.
Mark Colvin
Mark Colvin attended high school in Jordan and college at Montana State University Billings (Eastern).
He moved to Culbertson in 2001 and operated a car and truck repair business. In 2012, he went back to school and earned an associate degree from Bismarck State College. He now installs heating and air conditioning units in the area.
He’s been on the board for three years and said he was drawn to the opportunity to give back to the community.
“My main concern is creating the best experience for students, faculty and administration,” said Colvin. “I’m always looking improvements.”
One trustee is also sought for an open one-year term, with five candidates in contention for that spot. Watch for profiles on those candidates in an upcoming issue of the Community News.
For more information about Culbertson School board meetings and elections, visit