Grace & Peace Gives Back
Culbertson’s Grace & Peace Church Sunday school teacher Ashlee Anderson told the Community News that participants have raised enough funds to sponsor four pigs, seven chickens, three roosters, honey bees and four flock of goats and chickens for children abroad via the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Good Gifts catalogue. The class meets on Wednesdays at the church in Culbertson. Grace & Peace students included Harper Anderson, Gavin Jones, Gerald Happ, Finley Nickoloff, Gerrett O’Daniell, Eleanor Von Wald, Harper Struna, Bode Cullinan, Paisley Featherston, Briggs Shanks, Paisley Struna, Jonas Happ, Huck Anderson, Ellie Shanks, Charlotte Von Wald, Jaxon Laber, Tenley Berwick, Paxton Miller, Harlee Steppler, Kalia Featherston, Ella Anderson, Kolt Steppler, Leddy Anderson, Morgan O’Daniell and Taylor Arneson. For more information, visit the group’s Facebook page.
(Submitted photo)