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Tobacco Prevention News

Every year, World No Tobacco Day falls on May 31. This year, the World Health Organization has set the theme for World No Tobacco Day as “More than 100 Reasons to Quit” recognizing the many reasons available to people to help them quit using tobacco products for good. According to the World Health Organization, there are eight million deaths from using tobacco products in the world each year. Furthermore, tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States with 480,000 deaths occurring each year.

What most people do not realize is that the benefits of quitting tobacco use are instant. For example, within 20 minutes of quitting, a person’s heart rate drops to normal levels. Within 12 hours of quitting, the carbon monoxide levels in a person’s blood drop to normal. Within two to 12 weeks after quitting, circulation levels improve and lung function increases. Coughing and shortness of breath also decrease. These benefits continue to progress as more time after quitting passes by.

The main thing to remember is there is no safe alternative to using tobacco products. Smokeless tobacco products contain the same amount of chemicals as cigarettes, if not more. Also, there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In addition, e-cigarettes or vapor products are not FDA approved cessation methods and should not be used as a quit tobacco cessation tool. This year make the commit ment to quit using tobacco products for good. The Montana Tobacco Quit Line is available to help those interested in quitting whichever form of tobacco there are using from cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, to e-cigarette or vapor products. Plus, Chantix is available again through the quit line. Nicotine Replacement Therapy options are also available as well.

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line can be reached by calling 800-QUIT-NOW (800784-8669) or by going online at www.quitnowmontana. com.

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