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Elks Salutes Dedicated Individuals

Elks Salutes Dedicated Individuals Elks Salutes Dedicated Individuals

Wolf Point Elks Lodge #1764 recognized the dedication of several individuals during its annual awards banquet on Monday, June 7.

Exalted Ruler Jeff Presser thanked everybody for their support to the organization and community.

“The Elks has always been a special place for me,” Presser said to the audience.

He said he remembers it was always special going to the Elks with his grandparents and parents for dinner.

“It’s a part of Wolf Point that we can’t afford to lose,” Presser said of the facility. “We need to keep it going.”

Aaron Kurokawa received the award for Citizen of the Year.

“Whenever we have a volunteer event, he’s always there,” Presser said. “He volunteers for everything.”

James Wilson was honored with the First Responder of the Year award. First responders include firefighters, police officers and ambulance service staff. Wilson is the head of the Wolf Point Ambulance Service.

“It’s amazing what these people do,” Presser said. Every day of the year, they are willing to help regardless of the time or the weather conditions.

Claine Raining Bird was selected Elk of the Year. He was saluted for making the Elks a special place to eat again. He and his staff were recognized for doing an awesome job.

Presser was named the Lodge Officer of the Year. The award goes to a local lodge officer who displays exceptional leadership skills for the lodge and community. Presser has been a member of the Elks Lodge for 25 years.

Former Exalted Ruler Jude McTaggart noted that Presser is always leading with his volunteer work throughout the community and rarely does it without a smile on his face.

Presser said, “There’s a lot of people who work very hard to keep this place running. We appreciate all of you.”

Earning status as life members were Gary Johnson, Thomas Scott, Milo Stangeland Jr. and J. Perry Wolfe.

Individuals receiving 50year membership honors were Dallas O’Connor and Thomas Scott. Earning 25year recognition were Michael Cassidy, Jeff Presser, Gary Jeide, Dale Green and Terry Cody.

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