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Bainville Council Passes Chicken Ordinance

Bainville Council Passes Chicken Ordinance Bainville Council Passes Chicken Ordinance

The Bainville Town Council held their regular meeting Monday, June 21. The full council was present.

Minutes were approved for the May 10 and 26 meetings, as well as the June 14 meeting that was canceled due to council absences.

During public comment, a community member asked if town officials would approve putting out decorative flags for the upcoming Heritage America Celebration. The council approved the move during department/committee reports, with some additional language about alternating flags and snowflake decorations. Trees and other debris from recent storm activity are in the process of being cleaned up. Bids for a new lawn mower were discussed. Bids are currently being sought from across the region.

Public works director Lyle Lambert reported that the latest meeting of the Local Emergency Planing Committee tackled the subject of numbering doors at all schools in Roosevelt County. The committee also discussed the need for storm shelters.

A chicken ordinance passed, following a second public hearing. The language specifies that only female chickens are allowed within town limits. The ordinance will take effect at the end of July.

A special use permit was issued for Simard Park on June 26. The Heritage America Celebration is set for that date. Brett Portra was approved for a building permit at 309 Duval Street. He will be building a garage. Amanda Kinney requested a permit for a new mud room and deck at 619 Evans Street. It was also approved.

The council approved a resolution permitting fireworks in town limits from June 29-July 5, provided no official burn ban is in place at that time.

A resolution was passed requesting distribution of Bridge, Road Safety and Accountability funds. American Rescue Plan Act funds have been received in the amount of approximately $40,000. An additional $40,000 will be received in June, 2021.

Resolutions were passed for fiscal year 2021-22 and the adoption of a preliminary budget.

The council discussed the new budget and Capitol Improvement Plan. A budget committee meeting is set for July 14 at 7:30 p.m.

The treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved, as were claims, checks and vouchers.

The next regular council meeting is set for July 12 at 7:30 p.m.

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