Golf Standings
Thursday Night Golf League After Week 5
Bridges Construction 134 5 a.m. Friday 129 Arnie’s Army 132,0 First Community Bank 124.0 New Guys 123.5 Northern Prairie Auto 121.0 Opportunity Bank 120.0 Nutrien 114.5 Fore the Glory 90.0 Low Gross: Mike Boulds, 39 Low Net: Scott Sowieja, 30 Tuesday Night Golf League As of June 15 In the Rough 157.5 Ft. Peck Comm. College 136.5 Arnie’s Army 132,0 First Community Bank124.0 New Guys 123.5 Northern Prairie Auto 121.0 Opportunity Bank 120.0 Nutrien 114.5 Fore the Glory 90.0 Low Gross: Mike Boulds, 39 Low Net: Scott Sowieja, 30