Crowder Files For Second Mayoral Term

Larry Crowder gives a simple reason why he is willing to serve another term as Culbertson’s mayor.
“In the first term, I did a lot of learning,” Crowder said. “In the second term, I will still be learning but not as much.”
Crowder is the only person who filed for mayor in this year’s election.
The Culbertson superintendent of schools felt that working with city finances would be fairly easy considering his knowledge with school budgets. But he found that it wasn’t the case.
“It was a learning curve,” Crowder said. But he has enjoyed the process. “It’s been really neat, and I’ve barely scratched the surface.”
As far as the city’s challenges, Crowder mentioned hiring personnel. The council recently decided to become more aggressive as far as advertising and salary for a maintenance employee. “We’re excited for the opportunity to get somebody in,” the mayor said.
Another challenge is preparing for the Highway 2 project, which is likely to occur in 2023. City officials believe that COVID funds will help pay for a needed water main replacement project. The Montana Department of Transportation wants the highway project to include high curbs. Because high curbs could have a negative impact on local businesses, Crowder is urging laydown curbing be used instead.
Crowder noted the State is concerned about storm drainage if heavy rains occur, but businesses haven’t experienced such problems in the past.
“For us, the past is a guideline,” Crowder said. “Let’s look at the past.”
City officials will continue to keep taxes as low as possible for their residents. “The city wants to do everything we can to keep services available for the patrons. We don’t want to raise taxes, but prices go up eventually,” Crowder said.
There will be one change on the council because Nick Oelkers is resigning and a new council member needs to be appointed. Dave Solem and Mark Nelson have filed for re-election and are running unopposed.
“We will miss Nick. He was a very thoughtful and considerate council member,” Crowder said.
The mayor is excited of proposed improvements to be made at the airport including resurfacing, a new building and snow removal equip- ment. The airport has experienced an increase in hangar rentals.
The city wants to be business friendly and help attract new businesses. Crowder mentioned a graduated tax structure and being open to possible zoning changes.
He said the city tries to make sure current ordinances including vehicle parking and condition of lots are being enforced.
“That’s what is on people’s minds on the moment,” Crowder said.