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Keep Bird Feeders Clean Or Put Away

To prevent the spread of disease, such as salmonella, bird enthusiasts should consider either removing their bird feeders for the summer or cleaning the feeder regularly. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has received several phone calls recently about dead birds around feeders and birds with crusty eyes. Birds don’t need supplementary food in the summer. They typically eat naturally occurring food, such as insects, during this time of year when they are nesting and rearing their young. If you suspect that you are seeing sick birds, or find dead birds around your feeders, contact your local FWP office. Bird feeders should be removed in the event illness is observed. The ground under feeders should also be cleaned as droppings will contain the salmonella bacteria. Even when there is no sign of disease, feeders should be cleaned and disinfected at least every other week, or even weekly. Prevent overcrowding by spreading feeders out or using feeders that only allow a few birds to visit at one time.

If you find a dead bird, place it in a double plastic bag. Keep the bird in a cool location (such as a cooler) until you’ve contacted FWP.

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