Roosevelt County Fair Awards Indoor Exhibit Winners
Each year 4-H members from across the county complete their yearly indoor projects with conference judging exhibits. The 4-H interview judging is an opportunity for 4-H members to talk to the judges about their static exhibits and share their trials and lessons they learned. Each interview or conversation with the judge was held on Thursday, Aug. 12, at the fairgrounds in Culbertson.
Individuals are awarded ribbons for their exhibits, while some went above the judges’ expectations and received a judge’s choice ribbon.
Department B – 4-H Animal Science: Jodi Albus, Judge’s Choice for Poultry Digestive System; Bella Petersen, Judge’s Choice for Poultry Development of an Embryo in an Egg Poster; Jodi Albus, Judge’s Choice ribbon for Swine; Payton Labatte Judge’s Choice ribbon for Vet Science and Outstanding 4-H Indoor Exhibitor Award Buckle.
Department C – 4-H Engineering and Technology- Woodworking: Brooke Wineinger, Judge’s Choice ribbon in Woodworking Level 1 Hanging Shelf.
Department D – 4-H Environment and Natural Sciences: Tannen Traeger, Judge’s Choice for Shooting Sports BB Gun Safe Handling Poster.
Department E – 4-H Family & Consumer Sciences: Avrie Nordlund, Judge’s Choice ribbon, Sewing & Textiles Quilt Project; Emma Berwick, Judge’s Choice ribbon, Sewing & Textiles.
Department I – 4-H Health: Keira Stentoft, Judge’s Choice ribbon, Baking Breadsticks.
Department G – 4-H Communication & Expressive Arts: Eleanor Iversen, Judge’s Choice Ribbon, Mona Lisa; Elsie Wilson, Judge’s Choice Ribbon for Photography.
Department K – Cloverbuds: Receiving 4-H medallions were: Chase Parenteau, Tacey Traeger, Axel Clarke, Blanca Portra, Kashtyn Flinn, and Maia McGowan.
Department K – 4-H Youth Club: Tally Berwick, Judge’s Choice ribbon, Individual Record Book.
Department L – FFA: Max Engelke, Judge’s Choice ribbon for Horseshoe Metal Art and Outstanding FFA Indoor Exhibitor Award Buckle.
Department M – Boy Scouts: Nash Petersen, Judge’s Choice for his Wood Working Project-Egg Candler.
Department N – Girl Scouts: Jaclyne Taberna, Judge’s Choice for her Brownie Badge Project.