Rutledge Case Moves Forward
It appears that Richard Lamber Rutledge will be examined at the state hospital. Rutledge is facing two counts of sexual intercourse without consent and two counts of incest.
During a hearing in July, District Judge David J. Cybulski ruled that he wasn’t going to send Rutledge to the state hospital, but he encouraged the defense to pay to have Rutledge evaluated in Roosevelt County. Since that time, the case has been handed to the Montana Attorney General’s office. Dan Guzynski of the Montana Attorney General’s office said that he won’t oppose Rutledge being evaluated at the state hospital.
“This case needs to move forward,” he said.
The main purpose of the hearing held on Wednesday, Aug. 18, was figuring out how Rutledge was going to be defended since his current representation is dealing with medical challenges.
District Judge David J. Cybulski asked Rutledge what could be done to speed up the process in the case.
“I’m certainly not going to plea guilty for something I didn’t do,” Rutledge replied.
He was told his options included keeping his present attorney, hiring a new attorney or having an attorney appointed from the Office of Public Defenders. The decision was made to have an attorney appointed.