Wild Calf, Missouri Breaks Win Beverage Show Awards
The Montana Department of Agriculture brought together businesses and professional buyers from across the state Aug. 23 at the first ever Montana Beverage Show.
Hosted in Helena, nearly 30 beverage companies showcased their products, ranging from spirits and ciders to kombuchas and coffee, to professional buyers interested in featuring beverages crafted in the Treasure State.
“The Montana Department of Agriculture is keenly focused on promoting value-added agriculture,” said MDA acting director Christy Clark. “The Montana Beverage Show provided an avenue for us to facilitate connections between businesses and buyers that will result in more Montana-made products being made and distributed for the enjoyment of folks far and wide.”
The following Montana businesses received Governor’s Choice Awards in five different categories. Best in Craft Beer: Missouri Breaks Brewing (Wolf Point), Best in Wine: Willow Mountain Winery (Corvallis), Best in Cider: Big Mountain Ciderworks (Kalispell), Best in Spirits: Westslope Distillery (Hamilton) and Best in Hand-Crafted Beverages (non-alcoholic): Wild Calf Coffee (Bainville).
After wrapping up this event, the Montana Department of Agriculture will turn its attention to the Montana Food Show happening Oct. 25 in Missoula. Montana businesses interested in showcasing their products at this event can learn more and register at agr. mt.gov/mtfoodshow.