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Greenhouse Added At Wolf Point High School

Greenhouse Added At Wolf Point High School Greenhouse Added At Wolf Point High School

The new greenhouse located at Wolf Point High School will be utilized to teach lessons for multiple levels of the school district.

“Each school, Northside, Southside, senior high, junior high, ag ed, FFA are going to use this,” ag ed teacher Martin Toavs said.

The Fort Peck Health Promotion Disease Prevention program helped build the project. The HPDP program is dedicated to improving the overall health status and quality of life for every tribal member and resident living within the tribes’ communities.

Wolf Point’s school district has been adding gravel, electricity, planters, storage shed, potting tables and fish.

“We are literally growing to meet different learning styles,” superintendent of schools Loverty Erickson said in a post.

The mechanics class built concrete walking stones outside the greenhouse.

“The open house for it was a great success. A lot of teachers are excited,” Toavs said. “The superintendent is excited about it. Some teachers ended up going through and seeing what it’s all about.”

Items that will still be added include benches, storage sheds and containers for different soils. Veg-trugs will be used to highlight native plants. Printed information will be on display by the veg-trugs.

Each school will have its own designated area for planting items in the greenhouse.

He noted the greenhouse will be pesticide free. Toavs said he will use natural predators such as bees and ladybgs.

Toavs said fish that will be put in the large water tank will include small-mouth bass, northern perch and bluegills.

One of the groups that will use the greenhouse is FFA. Toavs, the FFA advisor, said about 10 Wolf Point students are involved in that program. The club’s schedule will include attending John Deere Days in Bozeman during November and going to career development days throughout the school year.

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